Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The State Of Affairs In Our Country (And How Other Countries Could Be Laughing At Us Right Now

From hereon in, all Filipinos, if ever they have the chance, should steal millions in government funds and seize power in any unconstitutional way.


If you get caught stealing, go to jail for a few years, make sure you stole a lot, like hundreds of millions and then enter a plea bargain, thereby you can keep the half by returning to the government only the other half.

Make sure you get the best lawyers money can buy and make sure too, they have contacts with the judiciary so that they know how to cook beyond your usual menudo or mechado.


If you staged a failed putsch, go to jail, spend a few years there, wait and pray that the next administration is hostile to the previous one so that they will afford you a presidential pardon or amnesty.

For good measure, run for an elective position while incarcerated. Be the underdog. Pinoys love the kawawa. Millions flocked to the movies of FPJ wherein he was always beaten to a pulp and then will miraculously gain strength and then flushed all enemies.

Trashed a 5-Star hotel, if you have the chance, for added media mileage. The kind of news greenhorns and seasoned reporters love to cover.  Be the underdog again. Let the police and the military drag you to the ground while the cameras are clicking and the videocams running.

My goodness, where will this country still go far low when we are sinking a mile by the minute, as we speak!

To add more insult to injury, the government is questioning the plea bargain of a general, when all the while, they wouldn’t question the integrity of a soldier-turned adventurist-turned politician. So much for a Daang Matuwid. 

I am taking the crooked one now. At least it has no pretensions of being good and straight. Whereas the straight one is just for show but twisted as much as the crooked road.

Can’t we be honest, as a race, for once?

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